
What to do prior to your procedure
Read through your pre-procedure instructions for fasting and medication.
What to do on the day of your procedure

Confirm who will be driving you home.

Wear comfortable, loose fitting clothing.

Bring your insurance card and driver's license.

Bring all your current medications with you, along with a list.

Bring all completed insurance forms and a method of payment for your deductible or co-pay.

Bring a bag or case for your belongings: glasses, contacts, hearing aid, dentures, purse, etc.
What NOT to do on the day of your procedure

Don't wear jewelry or bring valuables to your procedure such as electronics, watches, etc.

Don't wear make-up or nail polish. This can hide clinical signs during the procedure.

Do not apply lotions, perfume or aftershave.

Don't go home alone.
Patients should be driven following the procedure, and received by a responsible adult when they arrive home.

Please don't wait to the day of the procedure to ask questions.